Oh yea! First one I watched it long time ago... But I must ask... When at least party 3?
Oh yea! First one I watched it long time ago... But I must ask... When at least party 3?
What the !@#$ was that?!?
Idea was good, but animation is crappy, No style and Sound is crappy.
Good but...
That was short, and nothing very intresting. But In fact good.
Great movie in Madness style.
Facet to by³o fantastyczne! Ca³kiem dobra animacja i dobry d¼wiêk.
Dobra robota!
Dude that was fantastic! Really good animation and good sound.
Great work!
Remember there are some polish users on NG not only you : )
Not bad.
In fact... good. But this movie doesn't have style. And what about eyes of that teacher?
That was really GOOOOOOOOODDDDDD!!!!!!!! Please make party 7 I can't wait!
You cant? Damn, this is going to not end well for you.
Joined on 7/28/05